Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dream State

"I think this is quicksand.  Here, take Roxy."
"What about you?"
"First things first."

"Are you crying?  What's wrong?"
"'What's wrong?'  How can you ask me that?"
"I know it's sad, but you didn't even know them.  You've got to move on."
"'Move on'?  Move on?!  To what?  To a place where people set a store and themselves on fire?  A place where people are too angry, too bored, or too stupid to realize the consequences of their actions?  I may not have known those people but they were in my store.  When the creepy regular lady got agitated I tired to calm her, but who could have known fire could spread so quickly?  My instincts said to get out, so I did.  She locked the door behind me, locking her and all the others inside my tiny store.  I ran to the store across the street and screamed, 'Fire.  My store.  I need an ax.  Got an ax?'  Do you know the only times when people scream, 'Do you have an ax?, is only in horror movies.  When I got back to my store, ax in hand, ready to fight for the victims' escape and my absolution, I realized it was too late.  It was completely dark inside.  All I could see was the engulfing flames,  hear the crackling wood, and smell the charring flesh.  Some onlookers say they are haunted by the screaming... for me, it's the silence.  So, tell me how, how... do I move on?"

Sitting next to an Ex who is attempting to find a picture of him and his new significant other.  He says, "I'm looking for a picture of us."
"'Us?', I ask,  "Come to think of it, are we 'friends'?  Where are you right now?"
"Ummm, driving."
"'Driving'?  Where?"
"To a uhh...vintage, uhh store.."

After we danced in my friend's room to a Janet Jackson music video recorded on a VHS tape, she conceals it in a restaurant to-go container, and says, "If anyone asks, there are books in here."

"Trust me, I've heard a lot about you, especially from Andrea."

"Oh, so now you want to try my peppered caramel rice, even though you think I don't respect the naked dead?!"

"I cut you with my tail, B*tch!"

"The WIC offices in the city have bulletproof windows."

"...since I know enough about HTML..."

"In an attempt to avoid the cadaver, they left before she even became a cadaver."

"Always look for the frog in you!"

"An ear full of beer..."

"I thought it might give us away with no cheese or tomato."

"Princess Aniyah, charming.  I've heard of your family, they are (scoffs) handsome." 
"Royal Amir, I've heard of your family as well, and they are also, "handsome".

"With all your talk of popularity contests and morals you punked out, you settled for mediocre when you really are better, you undersold yourself."

"Are you alone? Is Sylvia here?"

[Quotes taken from my dreams.  Note: do not take these quotes as fact or as my opinion, they are simply random phrases spoken within a dream.]

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